The final and make-up exams of the Common Required Courses---UPDATED
The final and make-up exams of the Common Required Courses
YDB, GKD and YDE coded courses
(English, German, French, Russian, Latin)
Final exam; 17 January 2021, 08:30-17:30,
Make-up exams; 03 February 2021, 13:00-17:30 online, via DYS
TDB coded Turkish Language I, Turkish and Turkish Language course exam schedule
The submission of the Final exam is between:17-24.01.2021 (as a homework),
The submission of the make-up exam is between: 02-08.02.2021, via DYS (as a homework).
ATB, GKD coded course exam schedule
Final exam; 16-23 January 2021,
Make-up exams; 2-5 February 2021, via DYS (as a homework).
ENF coded exam schedule
Final exam; 16 January 2021, 08:30 - 19:00,
Make-up exams; 2 February 2021, 13:00 - 17:00, via DYS (online).
Department of Informatics, ENF coded exam schedule
Final exam; 16 January 2021,
ENF1980 Programlama Dilleri (Şube 1-Ercüment GÜVENÇ), 10:00
ENF2970 Siber Güvenliğe Giriş (Şube 1-Murat SAKAL), 11:00
ENF2900 İçerik Yönetim Sistemleri (Şube 1-İlker SEYRAN), 12:00
ENF2940 İleri Ofis Uygulamaları (Şube 1-İlker SEYRAN), 13:00
ENF2950 E-Mağaza Yönetimi (Şube 1-İlker SEYRAN), 14:00, via DYS.
Make-up exams; 2 February 2021, 13:00-17:00, via DYS
Last Update : 08.01.2021 14:22
Number of Views : 443