Students who could not take the make-up exams due to being COVID positive
-- Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution I exam will be held on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, between 09.00-10.00, in Informatics/Uzem Laboratories.
-- Make-up exam for students who cannot attend the end of semester and/or make-up exams for YDB, GKD and YDE coded foreign language courses (English, German, French, Russian, Latin); It will be applied online and supervised in the laboratory No. 1 of UZEM on February 7, 2022, between 10:00-12:00.
-- Turkish Language courses administered by the Turkish Language Department, will be held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, between 15-00-16.00, in the Informatics/Uzem Laboratories.
Last Update : 02.02.2022 12:03
Number of Views : 326