ENF and GKD coded exams given by INFORMATICS DEPARTMENT

In the Fall Semester of the 2022-2023 Academic Year, the midterm exams of the "ENF1805", "GKD10005", "ENF 1805" and "ENF1803/2803I" courses are taken on 09.11.2022 Wednesday. Midterm make-up exams are planned to be held electronically in the laboratories of the Department of Informatics between 12:30 and 13:00 on Wednesday, 07.12.2022, at the times specified in the file (CLICK HERE!...).
Final exams of elective courses are planned to be held on Wednesday, 09.11.2022 at the Informatics Department Laboratories at the times specified in the file (CLICK HERE!...).

Last Update : 19.10.2022 17:48 Number of Views : 525
